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Welcome to the 1st newsletter of 2025.


We hope you’re still sticking to your resolutions and have some serious goals to achieve this year. If one of them is to ‘become a volunteer’, we’d love to have you. Drop us an email at so we can help you tick it off your list! Posts we’re keen to fill are:

·  Social media / PR / Web and Volunteer coordinators

Find out more here, if you’d like to join our warm and welcoming team!


The World Still Needs Underwear!

As we approach the end of the bluest month of the year, we reflect on the huge success of our "The World Needs Underwear" campaign from November and December last year.

Our PR agency Rose Media Group, based in Burgess Hill, threw a pants-tastic festive party to raise the awareness of the item most in

demand by those who find themselves living in conflict or crisis zones around the world - underwear.  Before the event on 17th December 2024, Roger and Lucie from Rose Media spoke to Danny Pike on his breakfast show at BBC Sussex about our efforts and even he was surprised about our pants story!

Here are Roger and Mark sporting the best look for the festivities in their cracking pants-wear at RMG headquarters!



Become a pants ambassador!

A plan is underway to fill the blank pages of 2025 with exciting projects and further awareness of the most demanded item and we are seeking involvement from our communities, sports teams, big brands, celebrities, influencers and suchlike to help spread the word.

Please email us your interest at if you’d like to explore this collaboration and increase your brand’s awareness whilst helping us educating the public and corporations around the UK.

And if you’d like to donate some pants, feel free to drop the goods off at one of our drop-off points. Remember, brand new pants in packets… so when you’re doing your weekly shop, why not throw some pants into your trolley – every pair received is greatly appreciated by someone in need!

Not just pants, though! 

Could your employer get involved?

We're aiming high with our pants story this year but we mustn’t forget about the other items on the critical list that our partner NGOs are requesting. You can access the list here (you’ll find items that might be of surprise to some).  We’re keen to hear from companies wishing to donate in bulk and are looking for shelters such as tents, gazebos, sleeping bags and mattresses. 

Can you help us support children traumatised by the war in Ukraine? We are looking for donations of waterproof mattress covers or pads.


Firestorms in USA!

All eyes are on LA and the victims of the wildfires at the moment. At Hope and Aid Direct, we know all too well the significance of supporting natural disaster victims who lose absolutely everything. We’re sending hope and love during such a devastating time for the state of California and all its residents affected by the fires.

The damage to people’s lives and the society as a whole is unprecedented but it’s beautiful to see the humanitarian efforts and donations pouring in to LA. If you’re compelled to get involved in our own humanitarian efforts, we’d love to hear from you at


Gaza Ceasefire

We were of course very happy to see the start of the ceasefire on Sunday morning, despite being aware that this is a fragile peace and one that needs to hold not only through the 3 stage process but going forward, to allow people to rebuild their lives and their homes. 

As we have mentioned before, due to our limited resources we can only work in countries with a secure end to end distribution process and we are far away from that at the moment.  You can rest assured however, that we are monitoring the situation closely and we will keep you updated if our plans change.  

Keep safe and don’t forget to hit the follow button on our socials for more updates!


Love from Chas, Roger and Mark

Hope and Aid Direct Trustees


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